Monday, March 26, 2018

Emerald Cove RV Resort, Earp, CA

Days 57 – 59, Monday – Wednesday, March 12 – 14, Emerald Cove RV Resort, Earp, California

On Monday we headed to Wickenberg, stopping for lunch and walked around Old Town a bit, so Jan and Dwayne got to see the Jail Tree.  We got a spot at Emerald Cove not far from the Dog Beach, so Sarah got to chase stick, her favorite pastime, first time on this trip since Black Butte Lake!  Lots of Grackles and wild donkeys in this park.

Jan and her new boyfriend.  She will bake bolt cutters in a cake for him.

Dwayne warning the guy to leave Jan alone.

Linda getting down close and personal.  This guy has not bathed!

Will burros!  Apparently these people had been putting out raw veggies
for the burros, which is expressly forbidden.  One morning we counted 11
of them in the campground!

Sarah in a frenzy over stick fetching at Dog Beach.

 Tuesday morning Jan and I did laundry at the park.  Dwayne and Jim took 3Z up Bowman Wash and explored the area.  Jim sent the copter up to get videos of Angel Monument, a private memorial someone has created up in the wilderness.  They drove up Horse Head canyon, all rough trails and barely passable even with 4-wheel drive.  It felt too hot to kayak in the afternoon.

Be nice to have a geologist with us!  Guessing this is sedimentary.

This looks like lava!

Reminding us of Arches or Natural Bridges in Utah.

Layers of eroded rocks?
This is a memorial out in the desert, to a kid who died in an ATV accident.

This rock formation is up Horse Head Canyon!
Wednesday, we took the kayaks up to Quail Hollow Recreation Area and kayaked back down the Colorado to the RV park, an easy downriver float, right?  Wrong!  We battled a headwind all the way down this scenic river, sometimes barely moving forward!  Dwayne got out to walk for a way, dragging his kayak, but dropped the paddle and had to go back to fetch it!  We all straggled in eventually, getting back in time to go to the Tiki Bar at the park and get patty melts for lunch.  Then for dinner we went to Roadrunner Floating Dock Bar, although the wind was blowing too much to sit on the rocking and rolling dock!  We more than took care of any calories we burned kayaking against the wind.

Jan and I waited while the guys took a vehicle back to the campground.

A big Colorado River, sparkling clean water.
Sarah always assists in meal preparation.

Thursday morning, we got cinnamon rolls at the Clubhouse, hooked up, and departed.  Jan and Dwayne are heading home, stopping first at Orange Grove RV Park outside Bakersfield.  We are heading to Laughlin, Nevada.

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