Sunday, March 11, 2018

Patagonia Lake State Park, Patagonia, AZ

Days 40 – 42, Friday to Sunday, February 23 – 25, Patagonia Lake State Park, Patagonia, AZ

After a stop to gas up the behemoths, we headed south, stopping for lunch at the artist village of Tubac.  I bought a wind chime that is a combination of glass and metal sculpture, including a photo cell that lights it up at night!  We had a nice lunch on the patio at a Mexican restaurant there.  When we arrived at Patagonia we put up our birdfeeders, and the finch sack was soon covered with bright yellow Lesser Goldfinches and a Cardinal or two!  We walked about a mile up the birding trail, which is along Sonoita Creek as it flows into the lake.  We saw a Vermillion Flycatcher, also a Bridled Titmouse!

Happy Lesser Goldfinches

Shovelers, and a bright Cinnamon Teal!

Vermillion Flycatcher
Beautiful butterfly, species unknown

Interesting mushrooms in the woods.

Sonoita Creek
Saturday Jim and I went kayaking on the lake, heading up an arm of the lake, pretty up there.  We saw Black-Crowned Night Heron perched in trees, also Cormorants.  We looped back around the lake and up to the launch site.  Jim has been battling a cold, coughing and not sleeping well, will hopefully be better soon.

Paddling up Sonoita Creek

A flower among the flowers.

Carefully threading his way back down the creek.

Comorants - Keep your mouth closed while looking up!
Sunday we went to Paton Hummingbird Preserve in Patagonia, saw lots of birdies at this special place.  We had met a couple at Lost Dutchman from BC, and they were at Patagonia - Judy and Barry.  They went to Paton with us.  In the afternoon, Judy used my kayak, and Jim, Judy, Jan, and Dwayne went kayaking.  Now it was my turn to rest, as I was coming down with the dread cold, not feeling well.

Hummingbird at Paton Center

Ladderback Woodpecker at Paton
Jan and Duane kayaking
Monday morning before we departed, I went on a bird walk for a while, saw Dowitchers and ducks.  I was feeling a need for rest, did not stay out long.  Jim and I went down to the Visitor Center and looked around there a little bit at the pond and bird feeders there.  There are some hikes in this area it would be great to do in the future!

Walking bridge near the Visitor Center

View of Patagonia Lake

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