Sunday, January 28, 2018

Black Butte Lake Campground, Orland, CA

Day 4: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, January 19, 20, 21      Black Butte Campground, Orland, CA

A short drive down I-5 to our next spot.  We took the Corning exit and went by a buffalo ranch in these mounded rolling hills.  After our arrival at the nearly deserted campground (we got our favorite spot overlooking the lake) and lunch, we took Sarah down to the lake for a stick swim, then walked around the park a bit.  There are lots of Acorn Woodpeckers and Kildeer here, as well as Meadlowlarks.

Saturday we hiked down along the lake and up and down the mounded hills, about 5 miles.  There are lots of trails here, going in and out along the fingers of the lake.  The lake is lower than it was last year.  Sunday we rode our bikes 12 miles from the campground to Orland Buttes campground on the south end of the lake.  It was a great ride, lots of long hills, but it was cold and windy, with a sharp headwind in some spots.  We were cold and tired when we got back!  Jim made a pot of hot coffee and we stretched, had no ill effects from the ride.  We saw a couple of interesting signs on the ride, plus several meadowlarks.  A nice omelet for dinner, then we watched the last of the 22 episodes of The Event, after several nights of binge viewing.  We liked the sci-fi series, but not the final episode!

View from our campsite at Black Butte Lake

Happy Sarah playing stick

View of the campground from Jim's copter.  We are the big rig on the left on top.

Sign we saw on our 25 mile bike ride.  Read it carefully!

Another sign!  Somehow creepier than the word "Cemetery".

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