Sunday, January 28, 2018

Marina RV Park, Redding, CA

Day 2,3,4:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  January 16, 17, 18     Marina RV Resort, Redding, CA

We had nice weather through the Siskiyous, unhitching the new tow car, 3Z, through the passes.  No snow this year, and even Mt. Shasta does not have much snow.  A dry year for the watershed.  We stayed at Park Marina, always a favorite.  Lots of ducks here, including Common Goldeneye and Hooded Merganser.  Allow Yellow-Billed Magpies flitting around the campground.  Tuesday we rode our bikes from the campground, over the Sundial bridge, and up the Sacramento River Trail to Keswick Dam, about 12 miles round trip.  Such a nice ride.  But I have not ridden my bike much in the last couple of months, and I feel it!

Noble rig driver, showing no snow on the ground!
Mt. Shasta, some snow, but not much.

Shasta Lake at Bridge Bay, level good from last year

Campsite on the water at Marina RV Park

View from the RV

Biking across the Sundial Bridge on the Sacramento River Trail

Wednesday we had a great lunch with my brother Bill at Shorty’s Eatery, which is in the historic Litchfield Grocery Store near his place in Old Shasta.  After lunch we helped him with some banking stuff.  Thursday we had lunch with Bill again, then went for a 5 mile walk on the Ditch Trail at Whiskeytown Lake.  We saw lots of mushroom, and one blooming plant, which is strange in January.  Lots of mining history in this place, as gold was struck near Old Shasta in the 1840’s, but was all gone by the strike at Sutter’s Mill in 1849.  This Ditch Trail was an old ditch carrying water from the mountains down to the mining areas.

Brother Bill, charming as always!

Souvenir pot holder from Shorty's Eatery in historic Old Shasta

Jim on the Old Ditch Trail at Whiskeytown Lake

???  Fungus?

Jim's picture of the same fungus.

Powerhouse at the west end of the trail.  Lake is low.

Moss and fungus on manzanita

Heading back on the Old Ditch trail

Interesting unknown plant blooming in January

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