Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Valley of the Rogue State Park, Gold Hill, OR

Day 1:  Monday, January 15, 2018    Valley of the Rogue State Park, Gold Hill, OR

We are heading south a little earlier this year.  I brought my stuff up to Jim’s over the weekend to load in the Bounder, and also loaded groceries and household supplies.  Saturday night we had a 75th birthday party for Jim and me, and also a 50th birthday for Julie, Jim’s daughter.  We had pizza and a great evening.

Thank you, Susan and Heidi, for the wonderful cake!
 After some excitement Monday morning, (my car battery was dead), we got everything loaded, with Jim driving down to the Gladstone Safeway so he would not have to back down my street with the motor home.  We saw lots of hawks driving down I-5.  We pulled into this beautiful state park, went for a walk along the Rogue River, and had dinner and a peaceful evening.  We started watching a sci-fi series called The Event I bought before we left home.  No local TV, no cable, and certainly no streaming when we are on the road!

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