Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Ventura, California

Day 57 – 59, Friday – Sunday, March 15 – 18, Emma Wood State Beach, Ventura, CA

We were able to get a spot along the ocean here, (64) at this strange park which is just a row of RV’s parked end to end, no hookups or amenities, $40 a night, (!), but right along the ocean!  Jim turned the Bounder around so the dinette was right along the water!  We saw pods of dolphins surfing along, and many Brown Pelicans flying and fishing.  Jan and Dwayne left us at Victorville and headed to Pismo Beach to work on getting their new Class A Ventura.

Rock Cairns as we walked from our campsite toward Ventura.

Pretty cool spot!

The view by our table.
Saturday, Jim drove down to Santa Barbara for more hang-gliding lessons at Elings Park with his friend Willy.  I rode my bike 12 miles west against a headwind along Beach Access Road and then a bike path, then rolled it down a path and had my snack on a little beach.  It was a beautiful ride along the ocean, and even more fun on the way back with a tailwind!

Surfers as I rode my bike along the ocean.

Jim takes a hang-gliding selfie!

Calm enough for a drone flight.
Best sunset picture.
 Sunday, we rode our bikes on the path toward Ventura, encountering a St. Patrick’s Day Parade on the way, then continuing on our bikes to Marina Park.  Lots of cute houses here!  The streets along Pierpoint Blvd have British names, like Weymouth, Dover, and Camden. (Jim has a grandson named Camden.)  The path goes all the way up to Ojai – maybe another year!

St. Patrick's Day Parade in Ventura.
This fellow had 4 vehicles in the parade, large to very small!
Marina Park

A street in Ventura, along the ocean.

Sitting on the seawall.
Monday, we packed up and headed to Elings Park, where Jim did another hang gliding lesson and got his Hang 1 rating!  That means he can jump off big cliffs now, with some assistance.  With the help of my All Trails app, I drove to the trailhead and hiked up Jesusita canyon, a very pretty trail along a creek, more wildflowers.  In the afternoon we continued to Pismo Beach.

The trail up Jesusita Creek.

Lunch spot.

Such a pretty trail!
The Hang-Glider
The hill at Elings Park.

Jim in the air!  Got his Hang 1 Rating today!

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