Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Victorville, California

Day 56, Thursday, March 14, Mohave Narrows County Park, Victorville, CA

We had reserved spots right on the water here, and this park is on our way as we weave through the hills north of Highway 10 on our way to the California coast.  There were not as many birds here this year, although there were lots of White Pelicans and Northern Shovelers.  (White Pelicans do cooperative hunting, flying over the water to congregate the fish in one area.  Brown Pelicans hunt by diving into the water.)  Jim and I walked around the ponds, enjoying this unique place.  As we were driving out to leave, we saw a hatchery truck coming in to stock the lakes.  Those Pelicans are going to be very happy today!

We drove through the Joshua Tree area on our way.  They were blooming!
A walk around the ponds.

Lots of White Pelicans here!

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