Sunday, May 29, 2016

Glenn's Ferry State Park April 7

Day 70:  Thursday April 7  Three Island Crossing State Park  Glenn’s Ferry, ID

Glenn’s Ferry was a ferry for the pioneers.  Before the ferry, they made the dangerous ford across the Snake River at this spot.  We found our campsite, then went for a walk down along the river.  We saw lots of birds here, as well as ducks.  Sarah got to go stick fetching in the river, which is so wonderful for her!  We saw a replica of the ferry that was used here.  On the way back to our campsite, we took a short cut through the weeds, ending up getting ticks on Sarah and even a couple on Jim!  I had one on my pants leg.  Ugh! 

Review camera for the motorhome, faithfully following Tuzi

Fierce stick girlie

Yay!  He is throwing it!

Fetching stick


Ferry with passengers

Park grass with river in background

Heading back for dinner

Our campsite

We went to the museum at Glenn’s Ferry before leaving in the morning.  There was lots of historical information about the area and about the Oregon Trail.  Sculptures in the entry to the museum were modeled after rock art figures in Indian petroglyphs.

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