Sunday, May 22, 2016

Quality Inn RV Park March 30

Day 62  Wednesday, March 30  Quality Inn RV Park, Tuba City AZ

Heading north from Prescott, we drove through Flagstaff, then up to a Native-American owned RV park in Tuba City.  We walked around the town a bit, and the next morning we visited the museum there, which had lots of historical information and also beautiful contemporary sculpture.  Each time I read about how the Native Americans were treated by the Europeans who became the dominant culture, I am sickened by the inhumanity and cruelty that caused near racial extinction.  Treaties were dishonored, promises were not kept.  
Layered hills and a blue sky along the road
Dinner in the crockpit as we drive!
This exhibit was in the recent World's Fair.
Contemporary sculpture

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