Sunday, April 2, 2017

Win River Casino RV Park and Home

Tuesday morning Jim announced that his hip and back and foot were just hurting too much, and it was time to head home.  Our reservations at El Chorro in San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita, and Laguna Seca in Monterey needed to be cancelled.  It was time to head north, 892 miles to Jim’s home in Camas.

Jim got us on I-5, and then I drove for a while.  The highway is rough down here, lots of trucks, and fairly scary.  Notice I did not comment on this when Jim was driving!  But I got us safely to a rest stop where we had lunch, and then hen we continued north.  The drive up I-5 in the spring is a pretty one, with fields full of wild mustard.  We stayed at Win River Casino in Anderson, where they shuttle you to the casino from your campsite, which is a lined-off spot in a parking lot.  We had a nice dinner in the pub there and managed to avoid the gambling in the casino!  Once we stayed at a “free” spot in a casino south of Tucson.  We had a buffet dinner, which ended up being $22 apiece, then went into the casino and each lost our $20 limit.  So since we had that $82 campsite, the most expensive we have ever had, and with no hookups at all, we do not gamble!  But it was a learning experience!

Wednesday we continued north on I-5, Jim driving, and he drove the rest of the trip.  This either shows compassion toward me, a lack of confidence in my driving, or a wish to get home as soon as possible!  We got back to my house, I unloaded my stuff and fixed dinner, and Jim headed north to home.  It felt good to be home in the green country, but sad to have our trip end.  We both really enjoy being in the motor home, like the simple way of living, without all our stuff, and the sunshine in the winter!  And the two of us!

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