Saturday, February 24, 2018

Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Peoria, Arizona

Days 27, 28:  Saturday, Sunday, February 10, 11, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Peoria, AZ

We caravaned east with Jan and Dwayne, stopped in Wickenburg and had a delicious lunch at Lydia’s Café, then Jim and I picked up some groceries at Safeway.  When we arrived at our campsite on the hill, Jim took Sarah for a stick fun time down at the lake.  First time on this trip!  We walked the trail up the hill to the Visitor Center and enjoyed the view of the lake.  Jan and Duane got a spot just down the hill from us!

Sunday was too windy to kayak!  We drove down in Jan and Dwayne’s big truck to have lunch at Tramanto Center at the In and Out Burger, then went to the Pioneer Living History Museum, an ambitious complex built on an old ranch, with many historical buildings that were moved there from other areas in Arizona, including Prescott and Cottonwood.  We had a personal tour at a telephone museum, by a gentleman who had worked in telephones for many years.  

Sunset picture from the Visitor Center, maybe the best sunset picture of this trip!
Sign at Pioneer Living Museum.  Great way to keep people on the path!

A teacherage!  Like a parsonage!  But much smaller!

I had a desk just like this when I went to a country grade school in 1952!
Replica of a pioneer home.  I am guessing more spacious than most.
I thought the quiet calmness of this pioneer church was amazing!  Weddings are still held here.
Carriage shop. Much attention to detail.  There were replicas of many other
businesses as well.
We stopped at the Lake Pleasant Visitor Center on the way home, where I got a new dark blue shirt. That evening Jim went to visit his cousin Mike down in Peoria, while Jan and Dwayne took Linda to a delicious dinner at Chili’s.

Monday morning Jim and I drove up to the Castle Rock launching area and paddled up the lake in the kayaks.  It is lower than last year, so we could not paddle through the trees at the upper end.  We saw lots of Western Grebes, Comorant Cove (Jim and I were not paddling together as he went up another branch first, but we both gave the cove the same name!), and I saw a Bald Eagle.  Always special, however many I have seen!  We did not see or hear any wild donkeys this year.  The lake was quiet, just a few fishermen.
Beautiful calm water.
Bald Eagle!
Great Blue Heron, blending into the background.

Great Blue Heron, silhouetted against the sky.
Head of the lake.  Last year we were paddling among these trees!
Cormorant Cove

Western Grebes fishing for breakfast.

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