Thursday, February 22, 2018

San Lorenzo County Park, King City, CA

Day 18:  Thursday, February 1, San Lorenzo County Park, King City, CA

After breakfast at Craig and Liz’s and a final goodbye, we headed south to continue our winter trip, stopping at this charming park on the Salinas River.  Since we had full hookups, I did a load of laundry.  Nice to have the washer-dryer!  We went for a walk, bringing the binoculars, as there are lots of birds here!  Acorn Woodpeckers, Golden-Crowned and White-Crowned Sparrows, Scrub Jays.  Jim got some nice aerial footage with his copter. The next morning, we went for a walk again before leaving, clear down to the Salinas river.
Salinas River by San Lorenzo County Park

Great Blue Heron against the morning sky

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