Thursday, February 22, 2018

Mojave Narrows County Park, Victorville, CA

Day 21:  Sunday, February 4, Mojave Narrows Regional Park, Victorville, CA

We arrived at this pretty little park in a riparian area with large ponds, not many people here during the week!  We went for a walk along the water, saw a large group of White Pelicans at the far end of the lake.  On Monday morning, we walked up the riparian area, and Jim got some great bird pictures!  As we left, Jim got gas at Costco and some new shoes at Big 5.  I stopped and got In and Out burgers for our lunch and also got a new pair of shoes at Big 5.  A different one!  But we uncrossed our wires and found each other!  Could not exist without cell phones.

A walk along the lake

Motor home at our campsite on the water
Pelicans snuggled together

Cormorants evenly spaced on the log!
A walk through the riparian area

Kestril looking for lunch
Loggerhead Shrike

Ring-Necked Duck

We saw this pelican diving for fish, saw one get away!

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