Sunday, February 4, 2018

Saratoga Springs Event Center, Saratoga, CA

Day 15, 16, 17:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 29, 30, 31, Saratoga Springs Event Center, Saratoga, California

Monday morning, we headed west to the Bay Area, coming around the bottom of the bay and up 85, then west on Highway 9.  We wanted to be close to my brother Craig in Cupertino, as we would be attending his wedding and the many events associated with it!  We have stayed at Sanborn County Park before, west of Cupertino, but the road to that park is closed at this time, so we were lucky to find a spot at this small private park.  They have just a few transient spots, and we were the only people there.  At $60 a night, it was the most we had ever paid!  But there was a connection to the Internet, which was good.  We have been struggling with data usage, as my new Windows 10 computer keeps wanting to update itself all the time!  And it is a pretty spot in the canyon! 

After we arrived, we drove up to Castle Rock state park and hiked around walk in this forest, with interesting big sandstone rocks that rock climbers love, including Craig’s son Michael, whose main hobby is bouldering!  He says he climbed pretty much all of the rocks in this park.  Then we went down to Craig’s and had a nice dinner with him at his local fish house.  His soon-to-be-wife Liz did not join us because she was trying on her wedding dress, or some mysterious activity connected with the wedding!  Relatives are at their house and more are arriving.  Craig’s daughter, Vanessa, came all the way from Switzerland!  Liz’s folks, Wallace and Theresa, are here from Hawaii!

Linda at the base of Castle Rock

Cave in one of these sandstone rocks
Waterfall at the end of the trail, even in this dry year!

Hills on the trail at Big Basin!
Tuesday morning, we drove down to Big Basin State Park and hiked in the redwoods, where some trees are 2,000 years old.  Craig joined us at the MH for lunch, and that evening we went to an incredible family dinner at the home of Liz’s sister Teresa and her husband Kurt.  The meal time included a Chinese ceremony where tea was offered by Liz and Craig to their in-laws, establishing a family connection.  Since our folks are gone, I accepted tea from Liz, while Craig served Liz’s folks.

You can see this old tree has survived fires.

Trail of the Big Trees

Biggest tree in the grove.

Tree probably 2,000 years old.  These are the oldest living things in the world.
Liz behind door as her suitor greets her parents!
Chinese ceremony.  My brother Craig is the suitor!

Liz and Craig, Wallace and Teresa

We have been served tea by Craig and Liz.

Liz and Craig serving tea to each other's children.

This shows part of the amazing food.

Special dessert party favor.

Wednesday was Wedding Day for Liz and Craig.  We drove to Half Moon Bay over the scenic route on Skyline Boulevard.  The wedding was in a beautiful garden at Hastings House on the ocean.  After a lovely ceremony, we were all treated to a wedding feast at the Pasta Moon, including Molten Chocolate Cake for dessert. Then we headed back up Skyline to Sarah, who was alone for almost 6 hours!  We visited with her for a while, then headed down to Craig and Liz’s house for yet another meal, prepared by their children.  Yummy!  What an event this wedding has been.  Liz and Craig looked so happy, and it was great to see the kids and Liz’s folks and many other relatives!

Road along the beach in front of Hastings House.  A beautiful day!
Theresa, Liz's Mom, a flower among the flowers!
Vanessa, Michael, Christina, Craig, and Liz's sister Helen, the pastor.
Liz, with Janice and Daniel, and the guitarist!
The waiting, happy groom!
The ceremony.
Visiting after the ceremony in the beautiful garden.
Liz's folks, Wallace and Theresa
Theresa and Linda looking at pictures.

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