Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Laguna Seca County Park February 10-11

Day 13, 14: Wednesday, Thursday, February 10, 11   Laguna Seca County Park, Monterey, CA

Wednesday morning we headed south on Highway 1, along the ocean, through Moss Landing toward Monterey, then east to Laguna Seca County Park, which is located on the Mazda Raceway.   (Note:  The Salinas Slough, which is just south of Moss Landing, would be a great place to kayak.)   Took a picture of some interesting flowers that are on the hillside by our campsite.
View of the Mazda Raceway from our campsite

Beautiful little flower, also were Shooting Stars here
After getting settled we drove down into Monterey and visited the Aquarium, which is really wonderful.  They have a large exhibit about plastic, and the damage it is doing to our seas and sea creatures, as it breaks down into very small particles and is eaten (but not nutritious), by sea birds, mammals, and fish.  I got an updated card that has information about which fish and shellfish to buy.  The big tank has amazing schools of fish that swirled around the predators that swam through them, sharks and large fish.  The coral reef tank was full of beautiful, bright fish.  Monterey Bay was very polluted at one time, but has come back and is a Marine Conservation area now.


Thursday we drove up near Seaside and rode our bikes on 9 miles of the Monterey Bay Bike Trail, up through the Fort Ord Dunes State Park to the end of the trail at Marina.  It was a great bike ride, not busy, with a couple of chances to get an ocean overview.  

There is a training school going on at the racetrack, for police officers practicing for high speed chases, using these little BMW’s that are all alike.  We went for a walk on a trail that goes around and through the entire racetrack area.  

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