Thursday, March 3, 2016

Redding, CA January 30-31

Day 2,3:  Saturday, Sunday, January 30, 31     Marina RV Park, Redding, CA

We headed south, stopped for gas, got through the Siskiyous before the snowstorm we heard came later in the day.  We unhitched Tuzi, the tow car, for the drive through the mountains.  Snowy Mt. Shasta showed promise of a relief to the recent drought.  Shasta Lake was a little higher than it was last year!  We found a nice spot at the park, right on the Sacramento River, then drove down to Turtle Bay and went for a walk along the river there, saw Barrow's Golden Eye, Hooded Mergansers.  Linda's brothers Buzzy and Craig met us at Puerto Vallarta, our favorite Mexican restaurant in Redding, for dinner.  It was good to see them!  Also good to see the yellow-billed magpies which hang out in the park.

Sunday morning the boys (hee hee, both in their 60's but still boys to me, their older sister!) came to the RV park for brunch, veggie sausage cheese omelets and blueberry pancakes.  We went to Mom's house, which is still on the market, met with the realtors, did a little cleaning, Craig repaired a leak in the patio room roof.  Jim and I and Sarah went for a 3 mile loop walk down through the canyon path below Buenaventura.  Buzzy and Craig came back to the RV park to have dinner with us, a stir fry with veggies and pork and shrimp.  Buzzy can't get into the RV because of his wheelchair, so we joined him in his van to eat, as we had in the morning.

Our RV Spot at Marina RV Park

Turtle mosaic sculpture at Turtle Bay

Sundial Bridge over the Sacramento River
Sundial bridge from the trail along the river

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