Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Quartzsite, Debbie and Larry Jensen's February 22-25

Day 25, 26, 27, 28:  February 22, 23, 24, 25   Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday   Debbie and Larry Jensen’s lot, Quartzsite, CA

Arriving at Larry and Debbie’s place was like old home week for Sarah – she was so excited to see them and their dog Goldie.  They are neighbors of Jim’s in Camas, and they sometimes watch Sarah when we are in Sunriver.  They have a lot of friends in this development, and Monday night there was a hot dog roast up in the mountains at the edge of the desert, with about 12 or 14 people attending.  Everybody drives their ATV’s to get there, although we made it in Tuzi.  I brought some chili to contribute, so people could make chili dogs.

Hot Dog roast in the desert

Sunset over Tuzi and a couple of ATV's

Tuesday morning I went on a 3 mile fast walk with Debbie and two other ladies out into the desert.  Jim played desert golf with the guys.  

Desert Golf
Balls bounce off rocks and end up in strange places!
A golfer, or a Horned Lizard?  They all look the same!
When I got back I used Debbie’s washing machine to do laundry, hanging the clothes on her clothesline.  Boy, do they dry fast in this desert air!  Sheets are nice and crisp, and so are the towels!  Jim and I went grocery shopping in Blythe, about a half hour away.  That night we went to a barbecue at a neighbor’s, great potluck. 

Wednesday morning another walk with Debbie and her friend, Pat, from Ontario, Canada.  There are lots of Canadians here.  Later I went for a 20 mile bike ride around here, a nice uphill pull from the development to Dome Rock Road, then up the road until the pavement went away, then back to the development.  

Nice flat road here, but with a headwind

Dome Rock
Jim has been flying his copters out in the desert, practicing wearing the headgear to fly, and I occasionally go with him to spot.  He lost the copter a few times for various reasons, but always found if again!  

Jim flying his copter with the headgear on, in the shade!
Fixed dinner for Debbie and Larry.  Jim barbecued some great pork chops, I fixed rice and stir fried vegetables, and Debbie contributed a kale salad.  Afterward there was a card game with a group of the neighbors, in Debbie and Larry's multipurpose bonus room.

Game night, 31
Thursday we hiked from the lot to the top of a little hill near here.  It has a flag at the top, so they call it Flag Hill.  Although it is not as busy here at Quartzsite as it is in January, you can still see RV’s scattered through the desert, boondocking.  Some people spend the winter here, wagons in a circle to socialize.  

The flag on Flag Hill

Rainbow Acres development from the top of Flag Hill

Heading back down from Flag Hill

Jim and I drove into town so I could mail a couple of bills and postcards, then we went to an RV lot and looked at RV’s.  Jim is still thinking he might buy a new one, if he sells his plane.  We like the Bounder 35E best.

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