Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Oakzanita RV Resort February 19-20

Day 22, 23:  Friday, Saturday   February 19, 20   Oakzanita Springs RV Resort, Descanco, CA

We went for a walk down to the beach and along the water in the morning.  Linda visited with a fellow who was picking plastic out of the debris on the shore.  Doing a small thing to help the environment.  We headed south through Laguna Beach (very narrow streets as well as construction!), over to I-5, then across Highway 8 through the mountains east of San Diego.  We stayed at this RPI Park near Descanco, at about 4000 feet, about halfway to Yuma.  We unhitched Tuzi and drove separately to climb the mountains.  This is a great park, and we went on a hike on the trail at the east edge of the park, up the hillside.  We saw ancient Indians grinding bowls that had been created in the rocks there.  A nice place to grind acorns, up this ridge with a view of the valley below.  As we completed the loop we saw the springs.

Our campsite at Oakzanita Springs

Walking up the mountain behind Oakzanita

By the Indian grinding bowls

Grinding acorns was a community experience for the women!

A low water year for the pond!  But we heard lots of frogs at night!

Saturday morning there were free cinnamon rolls and coffee at the Clubhouse at the campground, and a visit with the park manager.  Then we drove up to Cuyamoca State Park and did the 1.8 mile, 800 foot elevation, rugged hike up Stonewall Peak.  The top part had stairs carved in the rock and a railing.  What a view!  We came down the back side, which was not as steep, but farther, 3.6 miles.  Nobody but us did the longer trail, so it felt good to be more in the wilderness.  We saw 3 deer and some springs, but no more snakes, thank goodness!  After the hike we drove up to see Cuyamoca Lake, which is low, but not extremely low.  Saturday night we had dinner at a nearby café called Descanso Crossing, great burgers.

Stonewall Peak

View down from halfway up.  We are parked below.

Mountains to the south

Top of the mountain.  Showing handrail to help get up there!

Heading down the easy way on the back side.

Cuayamoca Lake in the distance
There was a drinking fountain back at the trailhead with cool, cool water.  Did that taste great!

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