Friday, March 11, 2016

Turtle Beach RV Resort February 4-6

Day 7, 8, 9:  Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 4, 5, 6    Turtle Beach RV Resort, Manteca, CA

We happily arrived at this pretty park on a point of land on the San Joaquin River.  We have consistently seen flooded fields and lots of water on our trip down California I-5.  Rolling green hills, orchards, vineyards, green grass and wildflowers.  We took Sarah for a walk around the perimeter of the campground, seeing Black-Necked Stilts, Giant Egrets, and a Blue Heron.  We hopped on our bikes and rode south along the dikes that surround the fields here, turned around to get back in time for sunset and dinner.  Nice flat riding, although a little rough in places, we rode about 6 miles.  As usual watched more of Homeland Season 4 after dinner.

Great White Egret 
A walk along the dike, San Joaquin River
Our Campground

On Friday we drove to Mossdale County Park, as Google Maps showed a bike trail originating here.  We rode across the river south and rode around in a new housing development along the river.  We never found access to the dike where the trail was supposed to be, rode along various streets and made a big loop back to the Target lot where we had parked, for about a 15 mile ride.  We went into Target and got some groceries, then back to camp.

River in background from dike path

Peaceful dike path under California skies
Saturday we biked down the dikes again, this time going farther south, lots of big blue skies and solitude, occasional glimpses of the river.  In the late afternoon we launched the kayaks and paddled up the river. Jim got some beautiful sunset pictures on the river and as we returned to the boat launch ramp.

Kayaking in the setting sun

Kayaking back to the launch area, RV park above

Sunday morning Jim went out to fly his copter, lost the camera off it in the green grass between the RV park and the river, After quartering the area in a search grid for some time, we finally gave up, got organized and headed south.  

Black-necked stilts near campground

We went south on I-5, west on 152, getting on 156 at Hollister to avoid Hecker Pass, then San Juan Road to Watsonville.  This is a beautiful, agricultural valley, much more charming than its name, which I would change to Vallejo Verde.  (Green Valley)

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